Welcome to the Amira-Avizo Software Use Case Gallery

Below you will find a collection of use cases of our 3D data visualization and analysis software. These use cases include scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or even videos that show how Amira-Avizo Software is used to address various scientific and industrial research topics.

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Growth and cellular patterning during fetal human inner ear development studied by a correlative imaging approach

Growth and cellular patterning during fetal human inner ear development studied by a correlative imaging approach

Progressive transformation of the otic placode into the functional inner ear during gestational development in humans leads to the acquisition of hearing perception via the cochlea and balance and spatial orientation via the vestibular organ.

Using a correlative approach involving micro-computerized tomography (micro-CT), transmission electron microscopy and histological techniques we were able to examine both the morphological and cellular changes associated with human inner ear devel... Read more

Lejo Johnson Chacko, David Wertjanz, Consolato Sergi, Jozsef Dudas, Natalie Fischer, Theresa Eberharter, Romed Hoermann, Rudolf Glueckert, Helga Fritsch, Helge Rask-Andersen, Anneliese Schrott-Fischer & Stephan Handschuh

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Severe hearing loss and outer hair cell death in homozygous Foxo3 knockout mice after moderate noise exposure

Severe hearing loss and outer hair cell death in homozygous Foxo3 knockout mice after moderate noise exposure

Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) is a disease that affects millions of Americans. Identifying genetic pathways that influence recovery from noise exposure is an important step forward in understanding NIHL. The transcription factor Foxo3 integrates the cellular response to oxidative stress and plays a role in extending lifespan in many organisms, including humans. Here we show that Foxo3 is required for auditory function after noise exposure in a mouse model system, measured by ABR…Read more

Felicia Gilels, Stephen T. Paquette, Holly J. Beaulac, Anwen Bullen & Patricia M. White

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